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Essay/Term paper: Vision

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Literary Analysis Papers

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Literary analysis: Vision Out
of the Corner of One Eye.

The main character of "Vision out of the Corner of One Eye ", a short story by Luisa Valezuela, goes through a complete one hundred-eighty degree change over the course of the story.
In the beginning of the story, the main character is completely distraught. A man on the bus continues to fondle her, but rather than call attention to him she would rather save face for him. She hates the situation but she wants to believe he's a good person so she begins to make excuses for him: "maybe he didn't do it on purpose" or "maybe his right hand didn't know what his left hand was up to". All the while trusting , and having her trust broken.
The second phase the main character went through was the attempt to flee. When she finally tried wiggling out of his reach it just gives him a better angle to touch her. As she moved away, he was right there. She was like a fox hunted by wild dogs. No matter where she went, she was trapped.
The final phase was getting even. She figured she would put her hand on his butt and show him how it felt to molested. It turns out, she got more than the satisfaction of revenge, but also his wallet.
The main character has lots of moral and emotional choices to make. Though in the beginning she wants nothing more than to put the incident behind her, by the end she ironically throws all of her morals out the window and steals the man's wallet.

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